Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hey Ansel Adams, Let's Go!

For some reason, whenever I hear the name Ansel Adams, that's the phrase I am reminded of. If you're a Simpsons fan, you'll know what I'm talking about. In the episode "Marge Not Be Proud," the episode where Bart stole the game Bonestorm from Try 'n Save and got caught by the security guard and was warned never to step foot in that place again. When the Simpsons family returns to Try 'n Save to take a family photo, Bart was impatient, worry that the guard will catch him there, and he says to the photographer "Hey Ansel Adams, Let's Go! Take the photo." And I think... Bart knows who Ansel Adams is? Awesome.

But I digress...

The real reason for this post is Ansel Adam's proofs are on display, photos that were taken with a hand held camera that were not intended to be viewed by anyone. The pictures were taken in 1940 when Adams and his friend David Hunter took a trip through the Intracoastal Waterway from Virginia to Georgia. The exhibit of 50 photographs are being displayed at the Museum of the Albemarle, and was earlier displayed at Fitchburg Art Museum in Massachusetts.

Although these proofs are not the final art of Adams' and the photos might be interpreted differently in his final take, they're still art in itself, showing how the pictures look while they were a "work in progress." The proofs are still breathtaking. Here's one of them:


Unknown said...

Thanks for the great promo on MOA's Ansel Adams display. In addition, thank you for the info on the Simpson's as I didn't know Bart said that. =0)

Take Care, Jessica
Elizabeth City Area Convention & Visitors Bureau