You have to check out our newest featured seller, HeyLady. She sells awesome cards that are made from recycle materials - crafty and environmental friendly.
What is the name of your store and what do you sell?
HeyLady. I sell vintage and recycled paper products. Mostly cards, but a few tags.
How did you get into your craft?
I moved across country, with no internet access, and only 700 anytime minutes to keep in touch with my friends and family back home. I started making cards out of scrapbooking supplies. But in my opinion, nothing made from mass produced products can ever really be unique, which clashes with my everything. So I combined my love for vintage, my love for our planet, and my love for snail mail. Viola, Hey Lady! was born.
What is your latest project?
Lately I've been working on my pinup pastie collection. Cards that display retro woman wearing nothing but rhinestones or (for the holidays) snowflakes.
Where can we find your products?
You can find Hey Lady! cards and tags at , or at my etsy shop, Our cards are also being sold at Texas Art Spot, in Cosicana Texas.
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