Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"Last Supper" Goes Online

Now everyone can enjoy Da Vinci's Last Supper, all you need is Internet. The famed artwork was put online at 16 billion pixels (I wish I have a camera like that.) With such high resolution, experts can study the artwork online with full details, even details they cannot see in person, like the traces Da Vinci put down before the painting. All in the comfort of your own home, without the worry of wear and tear.

It's pretty awesome, see it here.


Mizdragonfly said...

I saw the actual paiting in Italy on my honeymoon! Absolutely beautiful! Breathtaking in everyway, larger than life. Too bad we didn't get to enjoy for long... on site, only a certain amount of people are allowed in, the painting is preseved in a tempered room closed off with massive doors that opens on signal. inside you can see it from a certain distance, no picture allowed, no talking. once the viewing time is done, a loud voice invites you out of the room and everyone has to leave asap!