Saturday, February 28, 2009

Last Day as Daibe Beads

Today will be the last day as Daibe Beads. As of tomorrow, this blog will have a new url: SHUKYSHAKE.BLOGSPOT.COM. Please update your bookmark, links, RSS feeds and what have you. Thanks for all your continual support!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Spiderman Swings to Broadway!

"Spider-Man, Turn Off the Dark" is the new musical coming to Broadway. The music and lyrics are by U2's Bono and the Edge and it's directed by Julie Taymor ("The Lion King")

The musical will start previews at the Hilton Theater on January 16, 2010. Rumor has it that this is the biggest budget Broadway show - about $40 million. Even though the producers have been hush-hush about the casting, Evan Rachel Wood is rumored to star as Mary Jane Watson. Wood was quoted to TV Guide that she was "definitely going to do it."

The Broadway version will involve an origin story as well as introducing new characters.

The storyline might be a hit or miss, depending on how they spin it. But big Broadway productions are always pleasing to watch. 

Please update your bookmarks and links to SHUKYSHAKE.BLOGSPOT.COM on March 1.

The Met Closes Shops

You know those Metropolitan Museum of Art stores sprinkled around the country? Say goodbye to them. Due to the economic crisis, The Met announced that they're closing 15 stores around the country. There were 23 stores, so doing the math, that only leaves 8 stores left.

In addition, the Met is also imposing a hiring freeze and cutting down travel and entertainment costs for their employees. Their revenue had decreased 25% since June 2008 due to lower numbers in membership and attendance.

The Met currently accepts donations for entrance fee. Perhaps they can charge a minimum requirement entrance fee. I don't think people will cringe if they charge everyone at least $5 to get in (as long as they don't go crazy.) It might help out a little? 

Please update your bookmarks and urls for this blog to SHUKYSHAKE.BLOGSPOT.COM on March1.


Women Use More Brain than Men!

According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (fancy!), women use more brain than men when it comes to beauty.

Researchers tested 10 men and 10 women, asking them to rate photos and paintings as either "beautiful" or "not beautiful." Scientists also examined images of magnetic fields produced by electrical currents in the brains. The results were in the first 300 milliseconds, there was no difference but longer than 300 milliseconds, activity was greater for objects that were rated "beautiful." They also noticed that men were more focused on the right side of the brain while women uses both sides of the brain.

Surely we do not need research like this for us to know that women use more of their brain than men!! But all kidding aside, the measure of beauty can't really be determined through datas and experiments. The factors varies from preference to environment, etc. 

Please remember to update your bookmarks and links to SHUKYSHAKE.BLOGSPOT.COM on March 1.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Las Vegas Art Museum Closing

The Las Vegas Art Musuem is closing its doors on February 28 thanks to the current economic turmoil. The Museum's executive director already resigned because the board members announced that there will be budget cuts, which would affect salaries and layoffs. Three months after the director's resignation, the museum decided to close down.

The musuem was formed 59 years ago. The board members say the musuem will remain an "entity" and keep its name in hopes that when the economy improves, they can open the musuem again. Let's hope so!

Remember - on March 1st this blog will be changing its URL. Please update your links and bookmarks to SHUKYSHAKE.BLOGSPOT.COM.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Hi guys! I really do apologize for my lack of updates. Yes it's been about half a year since I last posted on this blog. I really do appreciate the few of my readers who dropped in once a while to check up and I'm really sorry you haven't seen anything new. No doubt a couple of you probably gave up on me!

Things will be more active again from now on. It was one of my New Year's resolution after all- to dive back into my craft. So what have I been doing for the past few months?

My daytime job and my side projects (non-craft related project) has been taking up all of my time. I unfortunately had to abandon my Daibe Beads project. I had a good run but I've also learned that I dove into Daibe Beads too prematurely without actually doing all the necessary prep work before launching the store. I find myself having difficulty keeping track and fulfilling orders on time which isn't fair to the customers. Doing one full time job, one side project and Daibe Beads was too much. So I stopped to take a step back and re-evaluate.

During the last couple months, I've been working on a new line of creativity. I've also been researching, crunching numbers, doing the business side of things. I'm almost ready to launch my new store. But first I have to fade away Daibe Beads. My stores are slowly going away. As for this blog, I did enjoy putting together pieces of news floating around the art world and featuring fellow indie crafty sellers. So I will keep this blog but the url will be changed.

On March 1st, the new url of this blog will be

Thanks for bearing with me during this transaction and I look forward to your comments again!