Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Met Closes Shops

You know those Metropolitan Museum of Art stores sprinkled around the country? Say goodbye to them. Due to the economic crisis, The Met announced that they're closing 15 stores around the country. There were 23 stores, so doing the math, that only leaves 8 stores left.

In addition, the Met is also imposing a hiring freeze and cutting down travel and entertainment costs for their employees. Their revenue had decreased 25% since June 2008 due to lower numbers in membership and attendance.

The Met currently accepts donations for entrance fee. Perhaps they can charge a minimum requirement entrance fee. I don't think people will cringe if they charge everyone at least $5 to get in (as long as they don't go crazy.) It might help out a little? 

Please update your bookmarks and urls for this blog to SHUKYSHAKE.BLOGSPOT.COM on March1.
